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ECNO's mission

Support the EU in achieving its climate goals

ECNO exists to ensure the EU is set up for climate neutrality success by regularly assessing economy-wide, on-the-ground progress and providing an independent check of the EU policy processes that drive it.

ECNO's mission

Offer a data-driven look at what underlies headline emission trends

ECNO aims to tell a comprehensive story of where the EU stands on its journey to climate neutrality, applying indicators that track structural, real-world changes across 13 building blocks of a climate neutral future.

ECNO's mission

Inspire more robust progress monitoring and enhance transparency

As an independent observatory, ECNO seeks to promote the uptake of better climate policy monitoring practices by EU institutions to enhance accountability and transparency as we move into a critical era of climate policy implementation.


This project has been supported by the European Climate Foundation. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this website lie with the author[s]. The European Climate Foundation cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained or expressed therein.

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European Climate Foundation

The European Climate Foundation (ECF) is a major philanthropic initiative working to help tackle the climate crisis by fostering the development of a net zero emission society at the national, European and global level. We support over 700 partner organisations to carry out activities that drive urgent and ambitious policy in support of the objectives of the Paris Agreement, contribute to the public debate on climate action and help deliver a socially responsible transition to a net-zero economy and sustainable society in Europe and around the world

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