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Adapting to climate impacts will require a wide range of adaptation responses across sectors and governance levels. To track progress, the element assesses the implementation of adaptation actions, specifically nature-based solutions in the urban context, land use sectors, and the aquatic environment.

Flood and river


Progress on adaptation has been far too slow

Making firm judgements on progress in the area of adaptation is difficult. The indicators for the objective of becoming a climate resilient society either show significant year-to-year variability or are not yet tracked at the EU level. Some insight can be gained through the enablers which show, for example, a slight increase in the share of wetland area in the EU. This is a positive development, giving insight into the state of aquatic and marine conservation and restoration, but not an overall picture on adaptation. Other proposed indicators are not yet tracked – such as the kilometers of river restoration or the area of green roofs. Developing such indicators would add helpful, though imperfect, measures of various dimensions to climate adaptation in the EU.


Significant data gaps exist in terms of quality and availability

There is a significant lack of relevant data tracking adaptation across all sectors, and where data is collected, it is not done regularly or made easily available. Improving availability and access is in line with the EU Adaptation Strategy’s objective to generate more and better climate-related risk and losses data. Harmonised monitoring guidelines should be developed for EU member states, regions, and communities in order to improve the both the availability and quality of data.


Adaptation implementation is severely lacking

Although climate adaptation has generated significant interest in the last decade, and especially so in response to extreme events in the EU, there remains a large implementation gap for adaptation actions and measures. Often, implementation of measures exist in pilot or test projects, as is the case with many urban greening projects. This increase in awareness around climate adaptation now needs to be converted into action.


Objectives describe what needs to be achieved in each building block to reach climate neutrality.

Objective 1

Becoming a climate resilient society

Identifying indicators to track climate adaptation is challenging due to its broad scope. The ND-GAIN index scores countries on various indicators to track climate adaptation. The EU's average score has remained relatively constant over the period 2015-2020, while individual countries have varied scores. Economic losses from climate-related events have fluctuated significantly between 2015-2020, and there have been a few events causing the majority of losses, both of which makes identifying trends is difficult. However, economic costs have generally increased, which indicates that progress towards this objective is heading in the wrong direction.

Progress in this indicator was heading in the wrong direction

ND-GAIN country index


This indicator shows past development in the average NG-Gain country index score of EU countries.
The data show an annual decrease of 0.2% between 2015 and 2020. This development was heading in the wrong direction and should be reversed moving forward.


This indicator summarises a country's vulnerability to climate change and other global challenges in combination with its readiness to improve resilience.

Progress in this indicator was heading in the wrong direction

Economic losses from climate-related extremes


This indicator shows past development of economic losses from climate-related extremes in Europe.
The data show an annual increase of 6% between 2015 and 2020. This development was heading in the wrong direction and should be reversed moving forward.


The indicator provides a comprehensive picture across the EU of economic losses as a result of climate-related extremes.


Enablers are the supporting conditions and underlying changes needed to meet the objectives in a given building block. They are the opposite of barriers or inhibitors. 

Enabler 1

Greening cities

The data for this indicator has been insufficient

Green urban areas


This indicator shows past development in the share of green urban areas in 721 European cities.
There is only one data point available.


The percentage of total green infrastructure, green urban areas and tree cover of 37 capitals as a percentage of their respective surface area (averaged for the EU).

Data sources

Historical data: EEA

The data for this indicator has been insufficient

Green roofs


For now, there is no EU-wide aggregated data on the area of green roofs available.


The area of green roofs in urban areas.

Enabler 2

Adapting agriculture and forestry

Progress in this indicator was heading in the wrong direction

Share of gentle tillage practices


This indicator shows past development in the share of gentle tillage practices on arable land.
There are only two data points which show a decrease from 29% to 26% between 2010 and 2016. This development was heading in the wrong direction and should be reversed. This is underscored by the IPCC, which emphasises the importance of conservation agriculture, including minimum soil disturbance, to help reduce the impacts of climate change on agriculture.


Gentle tillage practices includes conservation tillage and zero tillage. It is compared to the overall tillage practices.

Progress in this indicator was heading in the wrong direction

Share of mixed forest area


This indicator shows past development in the share of mixed forest area in total forest area.
The data show an annual decrease of 2% between 2009 and 2018. This development was heading in the wrong direction and should be reversed.


The share of land composed principally of trees, where neither broad-leaved nor coniferous species predominate.

Enabler 3

Blue measures

Progress on this indicator has been far too slow

Share of wetlands


This indicator shows past development in the share of wetlands on total land area in the EU.
The data show an annual increase of 1.9% between 2009 and 2018. This development was heading in the right direction but should accelerate in the future. This is underscored by the EU’s Biodiversity Strategy 2030, which emphasises the importance of restoring free-flowing rivers, wetlands, and floodplains.


The share of land covered by coastal or inland wetlands

The data for this indicator has been insufficient

River restoration


For now, there is no EU-wide aggregated data on river restoration available. 
In order to meet the EU Biodiversity Strategy’s target of 25,000 km of river restoration by 2030, it is suggested that an indicator is developed to track progress towards this goal.


The indicator provides the length of rivers restored to a free-flowing state (without barriers).

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